Better Read than Dead

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

*this post contains affiliate links. These are links that generate income for me when readers use them to purchase the items. For more information about affiliate links please see my sponsorship page. 

I think it's safe to say that I have been neglecting my online life somewhat in recent months, but for all the right reasons! Last year I set myself the challenge of reading 50 books (with the Goodreads Reading Challenge) and I don't like to lose, even against myself, so I put the laptop and the phone away and picked up book after book, and I bloody smashed it! I actually ended up reading 56 books last year, and I discovered so many favourite new world's, new characters, and wonderful new authors. On the flip side I also DNFd a couple of books for the first time ever, I always used to believe I had to finish a book, give it a chance, but it's a book, it doesn't know if you've finished it! I am no longer wasting my time on books that aren't for me when there are millions of books out there that I could be reading instead. With all that said I thought it would be nice to do a wee round-up of some of the books that stood out to me from the long list of books I read or attempted to read last year. 


Most Read Author

Lauren James. 

Lauren James is a powerhouse in YA writing. Her books are beautiful, clever, engaging, and easy to read. She is a massive champion of women in STEM, as well as a wonderful advocate for LGBT+ stories. Of all her books I think my favourite is The Next Together- which tells the story of a couple who keep meeting and falling in love at different crucial points in history- and all the Next Together short stories-which helped make Lauren my most read author last year. 

If you haven't read any Lauren James yet I cannot recommend her stories enough-I'll even link them below (affiliate links) to make it easy for ya! 

Another Together (e-novella available for free on Kindle)
The Starlight Watchmaker (this book was specifically written with readers with dyslexia in mind which is so sweet)

In the meantime I will be, not so, patiently waiting for The Reckless Afterlife of Harriet Stoker to be released! 

Favourite YA Author

Karen M. McManus

I know it seems a bit weird that after everything I wrote above that this "award" hasn't also gone to Lauren James-but I just had to mention Karen because her books are so clever, and so much fun to get lost in while you try to figure out the story alongside the characters. I love a good mystery and psychological thriller, and when you combine that with my favourite genre-Young Adult-you're on to a winner. 
Karen's first novel One of Us is Lying had me guessing until the last 20 pages which is my idea of a well-written mystery novel. Think Breakfast Club meets Pretty Little Liars, and you'll be almost where Karen is! I've got the sequel One of Us is Next lined up next in my Kindle and I'm so excited to go back into that world. As before links are below and are affiliate links.

Favourite Non-YA Author

Rebecca Reid

I bloody love Rebecca, if you follow her on twitter you'll know that she is funny, down to earth, whip-smart, and a fabulous writer. If you don't follow her on Twitter, you should. I started with her novel Perfect Liars which was such a good story I instantly downloaded her next book once I was finished because I wasn't ready to give up her words. I think Perfect Liars is brilliant for people who are fans of Liane Moriarty. The second book of Rebecca's that I read last year was unlike anything I'd read in recent memory and that TWIST blew my mind so if you want to read something unusual that will confuse you, and then make you stare agog at your book for about 10 minutes after you finish reading then pick up Truth Hurts!

Favourite Book

A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson 

This book was a very well-chosen gift from my girl Zita and I have since passed it over to her so she can see just how good it is! Written in part as a dissertation like school project it leads you through a wonderful mystery which makes you think you've figured it out and then turns everything upside down, leaving you questioning everything you'd read. I thought I had this one all wrapped up early on but boy was I wrong. Cannot recommend enough. This is a truly outstanding DEBUT novel from a young author, and I can't wait to read the sequel, and for that matter, anything else Holly Jackson writes in the future. 

Honorable Mentions 

House of Night Otherworld series by PC. Cast and Kristin Cast
Worldwalker series by Josephine Angelini
Clean by Juno Dawson

There we have it! The first-ever "Better Read than Dead" book awards 😂. Did any of your favourites make the cut? Are there any books you think I should check out for this years reading challenge? Or are you wondering what my DNFs are?? I'll admit I was going to share those too, but I don't want to run the risk of putting someone off what could turn out to be their future favourite book. We all have different tastes, so my DNF could be the best book you've ever read, and likewise my favourite book of all time could be absolute drivel to you. So we're gonna keep this post positive, and hope you find something you enjoy within it.

Happy Reading! 

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