Date Night Jewellery- A Glimpse at my Personal Collection

Sunday, March 05, 2017

We all have our favourite pieces of jewellery right? Be it the necklace we've had forever, or the ring that belonged to your great-granny, or even just that cool bracelet you picked up in that quirky wee store that one time. 
The problem with favourites is that I find myself saving them for special occasions-like weddings or important dates- which means they don't get the love the deserve. So this year, inspired by a lovely gift from The Lifestyle Blogger UK I have decided to dig out some of my favourite pieces for, a not quite as special as a wedding but still pretty special, date night. 

Damian very kindly surprised me with front row seat tickets to see Curtis Stigers on the 17th and I've honesty never been more excited for date night! So in honour of two of my favourite men I put together my perfect date night jewellery collection:

This beautiful bracelet* from The Lifestyle Blogger looks great in my collection. I was going to feature this in a Valentine's post (but I got ill so that didn't happen) because I think the little hearts just scream LOVE and ROMANCE. The fact this beauty is in Rose Gold makes it my new favourite bracelet. Sidebar I was a little worried that this bracelet would irritate my skin because I have no idea what materials are in it, but so far so good-no irritation or discolouration at all so that's a win.

This cross necklace has been one of my favourites for over a decade and it still looks as good today as the day I got it. It is the perfect size for me and for date night. I don't like wearing large crosses on special occasions because I also wear my memorial necklace for our little boy and I don't like to detract attention from that, and anything too small just disappears into cleavage crevice, never to be seen again. This bad boy sits perfectly and catches the light, If date night jewellery should do anything, it should sparkle!

Don't these two go so well together?? I only got this watch for Christmas but it's already one of my favourite pieces. Olivia Burton is a watch genius, her designs are all so pretty, and no matter the size they somehow maintain a delicateness which I love-also Rose Gold and light purple may be my favourite colour combo ever! And this ring, oh my God I adore this ring. The sad thing is I think I stole this off my big sister years and years ago, and all through writing this post I am praying she doesn't ask for it back *haha*. I love the design of the ring because it's kind of high-class art deco, and yet kind of natural mother of the earth bohemian all at the same time-and I mean that basically describes me so...yeah favourite ring (excluding my wedding ring of course-but I can't even get that bugger off my finger so I don't have to dig that out lol). 

So now I've figured out my jewellery for the night I just have to decide what to wear..thank God the gig isn't for another 12days!! 

Do you guys have a favourite piece in your collection? I'd love to hear about it in the comments OR even see it if you want to Tweet me :-). 

Disclaimer: this post contains PR samples which are clearly marked with an asterix *. The origin of a product for review does in no way affect my opinion. 

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